Bath time can be a fun time, for both you and your baby. It is a pleasant experience for baby to kick and move about unrestricted by clothes. It is also a good time to talk to your baby and loosen yourself up. Add water toys for fun. Join him in fun through sounds and music.Encourage him to make eye contact with you. Always take precautions about a baby’s safety first.
Safety tips to remember when you give your baby a bath:
A baby’s scalp is sometimes dry and flakey. This is normal. A small amount of baby oil and shampoo can clear it. Apply baby oil after shampooing. Leave it on until the next day. Brush hair and scalp well to remove skin flakes, and then shampoo your baby’s hair.
You can repeat the above process. However, try to remove excess flakes by gently combing hair. Excess shampooing could cause the scalp to dry and aggravate the situation.
If scalp does not look normal to you, consult your child’s doctor.
Keep your baby’s brush and comb hygienic. Wash the brush and comb with soapy water, rinse, and dry. Use it only for your baby.